It's May so I need to spend quite a bit of time out in the garden. This morning it was such a beautiful morning, I hurried out right after breakfast.
Over the weekend Steve bought me a handy-dandy mini-tiller that is just about the best gift ever!!! I love this thing! It's small and easy to handle between the rows in my garden without harming any of the plants. Steve and I made quick work of all that tiny little grass that was growing in the aisles and between the rows of corn, beans and the like. Yea! Weeds gone in a fraction of the time. I love my husband!!
Potatoes and Leeks |
Transplanted corn plants |
This morning I planted gourds and mulched tomatoes and peppers with hay. Then I did one of the hardest jobs in the garden. . . thinning. I am so bad about planting too many seeds in a row. I guess I'm afraid some won't come up or something, but they always so. Then I have to go back and thin out perfectly good plants and them out. Some of the corn plants had really gotten tall so I tried to be careful as I thinned them so I could transplant them somewhere else in the garden.
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